All are welcome at the Ordinariate Mass. For Catholics attendance fulfils their Sunday obligation.
The Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham was erected on 15th January 2011. It enables groups of former Anglicans, and close family members of former Anglicans to become Catholics, whilst retaining significant elements of their liturgical, pastoral, and spiritual traditions.
Catholics who have at any time in the past been Anglican, and close members of their families, can also be admitted to the Ordinariate. The unbaptised, and also the baptised who have not received all three Catholic sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and First Holy Communion), can also receive the sacraments they lack and come into full communion of the Catholic Church through the Ordinariate. Catholics who do not qualify for Ordinariate membership, and enquirers seeking to know about the Ordinariate and the Catholic Church, are just as welcome at our worship as are Ordinariate members. We hope to see you very soon at our Saturday Mass.
On Saturday 17th October 2015 we began to use the New English Hymnal during our weekly mass. Laudate had been a link to our diocesan brothers and sisters, and had been valued because of that. New English Hymnal links us to our Anglican Patrimony, which we have a mandate to share with our fellow Catholics. It seemed right to make the change. Often members of the congregation will not notice the difference, Sometimes they will realise that New English Hymnal stays closer to what the hymns' original authors wrote.
On Saturday 18th August 2018 we were joined at Mass by Fr Thomas Mason who is joining the Chichester Ordinariate Mission as our new Pastor. He will be celebrating Mass for the first time with us next Saturday 25th August. The photo Shows Mgr. Robert Mercer, Fr Thomas and Fr Graham Smith.
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The fault reported earlier whereby members logging in to the members' area of the site were served a blank page has now been fixed.